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Kitchen Sink documentation of style: 'Delos' of skin: 'ILIAS'



What is to be done by this control
What happens if the control is operated
What happens if the control is operated
Relevant academic information
  1. The context states where this control is used specifically (this list might not be complete) and how common is this control used


Rival 1
What other controls are similar, what is their distinction


  1. Where and when an element is to be used or not.
  1. How the interaction with this object takes place.
  1. How the wording of labels or captions must be.
  1. How different elements of this instance are to be ordered.
  1. How this element should look like.
  1. How this element behaves on changing screen sizes
  1. How this element is made accessible


  • Counter
  • Image
  • Divider
  • Link
  • Button
  • Dropdown
  • Breadcrumbs
  • View Control
  • Chart
  • Input
  • Card
  • Deck
  • Listing
  • Panel
  • Item
  • Modal
  • Popover
  • Dropzone
  • Legacy
  • Table
  • Message Box
  • Layout
  • Main Controls
  • Tree
  • Menu
  • Symbol
  • Status
  • Novelty
  • Standard
  • Responsive
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Standard
  • Bulky
  • Standard
  • Primary
  • Close
  • Shy
  • Month
  • Tag
  • Bulky
  • Toggle
  • Standard
  • Mode
  • Section
  • Sortation
  • Pagination
  • Scale Bar
  • Progress Meter
  • Standard
  • Fixed Size
  • Mini
  • Field
  • Container
  • View Control
  • Text
  • Numeric
  • Group
  • Optional Group
  • Switchable Group
  • Section
  • Checkbox
  • Tag
  • Password
  • Select
  • Textarea
  • Radio
  • Multi Select
  • Date Time
  • Duration
  • File
  • Form
  • Filter
  • View Control
  • Standard
  • Standard
  • Standard
  • Field Selection
  • Standard
  • Repository Object
  • Unordered
  • Ordered
  • Descriptive
  • Workflow
  • Characteristic Value
  • Step
  • Linear
  • Text
  • Standard
  • Sub
  • Report
  • Listing
  • Secondary
  • Standard
  • Listing
  • Legacy
  • Standard
  • Group
  • Notification
  • Interruptive
  • Interruptive Item
  • Roundtrip
  • Lightbox
  • Lightbox Image Page
  • Lightbox Text Page
  • Standard
  • Listing
  • File
  • Standard
  • Wrapper
  • Presentation
  • Data
  • Column
  • Text
  • Number
  • Failure
  • Success
  • Info
  • Confirmation
  • Page
  • Standard
  • Meta Bar
  • Main Bar
  • Slate
  • Footer
  • Mode Info
  • System Info
  • Legacy
  • Combined
  • Notification
  • Node
  • Expandable
  • Simple
  • Bylined
  • Drilldown
  • Sub
  • Icon
  • Glyph
  • Avatar
  • Standard
  • Custom
  • Settings
  • Collapse
  • Expand
  • Add
  • Remove
  • Up
  • Down
  • Back
  • Next
  • Sort Ascending
  • Sort Descending
  • Briefcase
  • User
  • Mail
  • Notification
  • Tag
  • Note
  • Comment
  • Like
  • Love
  • Dislike
  • Laugh
  • Astounded
  • Sad
  • Angry
  • Eyeclosed
  • Eyeopen
  • Attachment
  • Reset
  • Apply
  • Search
  • Help
  • Calendar
  • Time
  • Close
  • More
  • Disclosure
  • Language
  • Login
  • Logout
  • Bulletlist
  • Numberedlist
  • Listindent
  • Listoutdent
  • Filter
  • Picture
  • Letter